Saturday, December 29, 2012

Three nights of LOTR

We just finished with one of my favorite events of the year: watching Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings trilogy three nights in a row. Mom, Dad and Jani join Lindsay, Kam and I. We eat some Indian food, drink far too much Cherry Coke Zero, and eat more dark chocolate and popcorn than the average oompa loompa. But the extra 15-20 pounds I might have gained is very much worth it. I love these films! They are passionate movie making in every aspect. As we watch, we point out parts of the score that we love, actor's performances that no one else could pull off and Jackson's direction that amazes.

Here are my top three favorite scenes from The Fellowship of the Ring. The next two films will follow soon.

3. The Bridge of Khazad-dum--Gandalf facing off with the Balrog is powerful. When the Fellowship try to run to his aid, but have to flee...heart-wrenching. Howard Shore's score at this point is beautiful.

2. Hobbiton--The movies get progressively darker. I love the light and humor of the first part of this film. Bag End is such a great set.

1. The Uruk Hai Battle--I love when Aragorn is tempted by the Ring, but then closes Frodo's hand around it--"I would have gone with you to the end, into the very fires of Mordor." Awesome! And then to take on the entire Uruk army on his own?! Bad a@*! Everything about the ending of Fellowship is just great: Legolas firing about 20 arrows while standing in the same spot, Boromir sacrificing himself for Merry and Pippin, Frodo standing on the shores of Anduin knowing what lies ahead...

1 comment:

  1. Freak yeah! Despite some critics and peoples complaints about The Hobbit, I really loved it. I think Peter Jackson did a great job with it. I knew it would be different from Lord of the Rings but I'm glad it was. It felt like it was part of the same universe but it felt like its own entity. The books are very different tonally. Maybe going into it with that expectation helped me, I dunno. I liked it even more the second time I watched it. But there is something about the Lord of the Rings trilogy that I think will always stand paramount. The movies came out when I was a teenager and the passion for filmmaking you mentioned played a huge role in me wanting to be a filmmaker. I will never forget the experience I had going to see Fellowship in the theater for the first time. I had never seen anything like it. I imagine it was for me, what Star Wars must have been like for that generation. It was one of the few movies where I felt I had been (and still am) transported to another world. It's amazing how Peter Jackson and his team made Middle-Earth come alive. (Am I nerding out yet? I fear I've crossed that point of no return long ago)

    I think I share your three favorite scenes from Fellowship, probably in the same order too. I would say though within the Uruk Hai battle my favorite moment (and I dare say my favorite scene of the whole trilogy ol' chap!) is Boromir's redemption, saving Merry and Pippin. Sean Bean's brilliant performance (he's my favorite character too), the way it was shot, and Howard Shore's score make me almost tear up every frikin time. Hands down the best scene ever.

