Saturday, December 22, 2012


Out shopping today and on my way home from all the craziness when a very random thought popped into my head. I began thinking about the Connecticut shootings and these children up in Heaven. I don't know what they first saw or if the Savior was the first to welcome them in. Those things will be learned in time. But what I began to think about was Adam Lanza. Why did he do what he did? Was he crazy? Did he understand what he was doing? He understood enough to take his own life--he knew that he would have to answer for his actions. The scripture from Doctrine and Covenants section 64 went through my mind: "I, the Lord, will forgive whom I will forgive, but of you it is required to forgive all men." Will the Lord forgive Lanza? He doesn't have to. Is this something past His forgiveness, or will He in time? I've never had a hard time with forgiveness. If I let something, or someone, offend me and get into my psyche then I go crazy. I begin to feel guilty and I can't progress, so I need to just... let it go. With these children around Him, will He be able to let this go? I have no answer to any of these questions. I just found them running around in my little head today.


  1. Wonderful thoughts Ryan. There are just no easy answers on this one. I have thought about those 20 beautiful children all week. I too have wondered about Adam Lanza's accountability...what did he recognize when he died? All I know is that if the father of one of those little girls can forgive the killer, then so must I.

  2. The two people I discovered forgave Adam Peter Lanza: Daniel Ray and Robbie Parker. Please forget about Adam Lanza, the bad guy! Think about good Lanzas: Mario Lanza, the singer, and Walter Lanza (later Walter Lantz), the Woody Woodpecker guy!
