Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Best Animated Voices Pt. 4

Number 2 is Steve Carell's performance of Gru in Despicable Me.

Love this movie and love this performance. No idea what country Gru comes from, but the accent is one of a kind. So many nuances and hilarious moments to his performance. Jason Segal as Vector is equally great in this film. I could watch this movie over and over! Way too many lines to choose from...

Best lines:  
Gru: (showing drawn plans on cards) I shrink the moon, I grab the moon, I sit on the toilet bowl... what?

Gru: Uh, question. What are these?
Dr. Nefario: A dozen boogie robots. Boogie! Look at this! Watch me.
Gru: Cookie robots! I said cookie robots! Ah, why... why are you so... old?

Gru: Your dog has been leaving bombs in my yard.
Fred McDade: Oh you know dogs... they go where they want!
Gru: Not if they're dead.

Gru: I don't like this book. This is going on forever.

1 comment:

  1. Checking on comments. A friend said they weren't able to.
