Monday, May 9, 2011

Perfect Albums Pt. 1

Last month I mentioned my love of the Mumford and Sons album "Sigh No More." Every song is excellent and I can never skip through to the next song--I have to listen to them all. So I thought I would count down a list of perfect albums (totally my opinion of course and each to his own). There's only two rules: the album cannot be a "Best Of" compilation and each song has to be a winner! You just can't wait to listen to Track 1 through 10. Here is my first album and we'll see how many I can get through in the next few days.

My sister Amber introduced me to this album and it defines my sophmore year. I tried to justify to my parents that even though it's heavy metal and it sounds like you might want to rip your ears off at times, the music is so well played. Metallica may be a bunch of f-dudes, but they are f-dudes that have amazing talent. I never liked the "Black" album. I am a "Justice For All" loyalist.

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