Wednesday, May 4, 2011

May the 4th Be With You!

I have always loved Star Wars! I am so glad my parents raised me on this rather than Star Trek. When I was younger my family told me that I would shout "Gim em! Gim em!" during the Death Star battle from Episode IV. My kids have grown to love it and I cannot love LEGO Star Wars more! Anyway, here are my top 5 favorite things from Star Wars:

5. I loved the Ewoks! I know that most people hate them, but I loved them when I was younger. I wanted to collect all the Ewok action figures..which leads me to #4.

4. Star Wars action figures. I had SO many when I was younger and wish so badly that I had kept them. I had the Ewok village, Hoth and a ton of figures. I loved playing with them.

3. Luke changing Darth Vader. The scene at the end of Jedi when Luke is helping his father get away from the Emperor and then Vader saying to him, "Tell your sister you were right..." It still chokes me up.

2. Obi Won and Qui-Gon fighting Darth Maul. I know the latter films were not the greatest, but you cannot deny the excitement of when Phantom Menace came out. To actually have a new Star Wars film was the coolest thing ever! That light saber fight is still just pure awesomeness!

1. And finally, anything with HAN SOLO! Harrison is the best! ANY scene with Han Solo was better. He had the best lines, he had the coolest starship, he got the girl...I always wanted to be Luke, but I knew that Han Solo was just cooler.


  1. Okay, we had an old copy of the movie Ewok Adventure on cassette for ages! We loved it! I bet I could still find that......
