Monday, May 23, 2011

Guilty Pleasure Pt. 2

Sorry about that last post. As I read through it again I realized I used the "I did this, I did that," terminology a little too much. Sounded a bit self-centered.

Anyhoo, I mentioned earlier this month how the "Fast" movies are a guilty pleasure of mine. I have also noticed lately some other films that could be placed in the "so bad that they're good" category. The movie is on TV, you want to turn the channel to watch something better, or turn the TV off and do something more constructive with your afternoon, but you just can't. The movie sucks you in and you are powerless to look away. It's not that the movie is awful, but it's definitely not Oscar worthy. I'll try and mention a few over the next couple of days. Here is film number 1:

This movie is just awesome! I love John Cusack! It's been on TV repeatedly as of late and I have watched it way too many times. Guilty pleasure.

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