Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Love My Job

Sometimes I don't quite think I'm cutting it as a teacher. I have bad experiences and disagreements with students or parents. It is often times a very difficult job. Yes, I wish I was paid more, but it's never deterred me from this profession. I loved it the moment I started my internship and I still love it! I hate the pressure of performing for tests, I hate the vice I often feel on what I can and can't do, but overall I am so happy with the life I have created for myself and my family.

There is nothing better than to run into former students and find out that I had some kind of impact on their life. This morning I ran into a young man I taught 9 years ago. He came to my classroom to see me and tell me about his life. He is successful and wants to start his schooling to become a teacher. I started the day off really well!

Then this afternoon I ran into a student from a few years back while she was out running. This young lady had a huge impact on me as a teacher during a very pivotal year in my profession. It was so great to see her! She is happy and successful and it's things like this that make it all worth it to me. I love my students!


  1. You are an amazing teacher Ryan! You truly have a gift. I'm glad that girl found you today. She was going to leave, but I told her to go look for you!

  2. And your students love you!
    You're amazing, and were definitely meant to be a teacher. You definitely had a huge impact on my life, and I'm sure many other lives too. Thank you for all that you do!

  3. You definitely had a huge impact on my life. It was wonderful to run into you. I need to come by your classroom soon. Thank you for everything..still my favorite teacher I've ever had!
