Monday, April 16, 2012

Happy Birthday, Max!

I wish I had a more recent picture. We have been terrible at taking photos lately. This is Max at our Christmas Carol cast party in 2011.
Our wonderful Max just turned 7! One more year and he will be baptized. Lindsay was watching a home movie the other day of when he was born and she commented that she couldn't believe 7 years has gone by. He is such a great young man. He is bright, creative, peaceful, emotional, stubborn, loving, nostalgic (weird for a 7 year old), and has the cutest smile in the world.


  1. i just cannot believe how big your little family has gotten. its CRAZY! and your kids have all grown up to be incredibly beautiful! happy birthday to little max:)

  2. Maddie has a special place in her heart for this boy! I would also add SMART to that list... What great kids you two have!

  3. oops, you did say bright, I missed that...well he IS bright and everything else you listed!
