Friday, March 18, 2011


Jennifer Lawrence has been cast as Katniss Everdeen from The Hunger Games series. I haven't seen her in anything yet, although I would really like to see Winter's Bone. I know some will be mad that she doesn't really "fit" the descriptions of Katniss, but Collins (the author) is excited about her and that is all that matters, since the character belongs to her. I am excited that things are moving forward with the movie. Gary Ross (the director) seems to have a passion for this story and is working closely with Suzanne Collins. The Hunger Games was a book that totally took me by surprise. I read a blurb from Stephen King about the book and thought I would give it a try. Easily the best book I read that year--then it became a huge thing that started to be compared to Twilight and that really irked me. Oh well. The great thing about books is that they are a personal experience for you. No one else can have the experience that you have.


  1. I hope this movie turns out! We all loved the books over at our house.

  2. I didn't know a "hunger games" movie was being made, very cool! I loved that book...not so much the 2nd and third in the trilogy, in fact I could not even finish mockingjay.
