Wednesday, January 16, 2013

10 Years Adam!

I can't believe my little man is 10! You will never meet a sweeter, more caring kid than this. We love him so much!

He started out as our chub! We miss those cheeks...
San Diego-5 years. This photo is a favorite.

Disneyland 2012. Adam and I shared my favorite moment of the year. Lindsay and the rest of the kids went back to the hotel for a nap, while Adam and I stayed at the park for some alone time. We watched some movies at the Opera House, rode down Main Street and then hunted around for some coin press machines. One of the most enjoyable, fulfilling two hours of the past many years.


  1. Happy Birthday Adam! What a sweet kid.

  2. SUCH A STUD! I can't believe how big they are getting. And in a few short years...Kam will be dating...that is INSANE. I sure miss those cubby cheeks!

  3. What a handsome young man Adam has grown into! Wish him a Happy Birthday from the James family.
