Friday, November 11, 2011

Happy Birthday to Kam!

Today is a pretty special day: my boy Kam turns 11 on 11/11/11. Now how many times does something like that happen in life? Everyone kept telling us to call KSL or Daily Herald to let them know, but we didn't want to be one of those parents. And lo and behold, today there is a cover story in Daily Herald of a boy who turns 11! Seriously?! Oh well.

I love my boy! He is a great kid--very smart, good to other people, doesn't like girls yet, is obsessed with Social Empires, has dreams for his future, loves his aunts and uncles, mostly loves his brothers and parents, athletic, funny and wants to do what's right. I'm so glad he is my oldest and the one who is setting the example to his younger brothers and sister.

I love this photo of Kam! His face and laughter is absolutely genuine.


  1. The kid in the article is SO much less good looking than Kam, too! Psst - I called the Herald early this week for you, but I guess somehow 4 days is not enough advance notice for a newspaper...

  2. oh, how i love kam! its crazy to think that he's turning 11! i remember when he was just learning to walk in 3rd grade, rolling around the big red ball. its crazy how time flies! glad you're all doing well:) miss you and love you all!

  3. Kam, Happy birthday to our oldest grandchild! You set the bar high for the rest to follow. We love you and are so proud of you! Grandma and grandpa Rad

  4. Hey... Im famous! I made it into the Radeblog! Happy Birthday Kam!!
