Monday, March 21, 2011

Wanna Get Fat?

Lindsay and I came across this recipe in the Food Network Magazine and it is going to destroy us. If you want a quick and easy chocolate fix, try it out! You will not regret the experience, but you may need to express more self-control and not make it every night. We are trying to limit ourselves to once a week.

1/4 cup flour
6 tbls. sugar
2 tbls. cocoa powder
1 egg
3 tbls. milk
3 tbls. vegetable oil
Dash of vanilla and salt

Whisk ingredients in a large mug and microwave for 2 minutes. Plop onto a plate and sprinkle with powdered sugar. ENJOY!


  1. Yes, I was looking for a way to get fatter. Thank you, this should do the trick. We did try it and the four of us ate it - yum. It will be great for a quick FHE dessert.

  2. I'm so mad at you guys for posting this! I'm not aloud sugar right now, yet ever since I read this post a week ago it is all I can think about! I'm sitting here watching 24 from the beginning (which I've never seen), and it is so intense and addicting. Yet all I can think about is how ticked off I am that I don't have any cocoa powder. Dang you guys.

  3. Hi, guys! This is Katie (Pulsipher) Brown. I saw this recipe in my aunt Sarah Cresap's recipe book and I want to try it. Let you know how it goes...
