Monday, March 14, 2011

Quick Trip!

I had a long weekend because of a snow day today! We just finished with our sixth grade science fair, so it was time for a break. We took a quick trip down to our Hale family ranch in Grover, Utah! Just about the best place on earth. We took the dirt bike down and the boys had a blast riding around for the first time. They were awesome. Besides getting stuck in the mud on the dirt road (our cars, not the dirt bike) and having no running water because a pipe broke, it was an awesome trip. Just what we needed!

I can't take credit for this photo. My cousin Perry took it earlier this year and posted it on her blog. I had to include it though so that you can see what the view is outside our front door. Amazing!
We went up on Boulder Mountain to do some sledding.
Brynn celebrated her 3rd birthday and Lindsay took this sweet photo of her opening her presents!
Swinging like "Tinker Bell" in the cottonwoods.

Max chillaxing.


  1. Oh man I'm jealous. We are ready to go down! What's up with the broken pipe??!!

  2. Someone forgot to open the water pipes this past winter shutdown, so when we turned the water on, water was pouring from the ceiling in the downstairs bathroom. We had to turn it off and get water from Torrey (we had drinking water and food coolers full of water for washing dishes). So fun!

  3. Holy cow that sounds like no fun!
