Saturday, March 9, 2013

My Stomach Is Just So Happy

Tonight Lindsay and I went to our favorite restaurant, Pizzeria 712. It's been a while since we've been and with it being the beginning of the month, we can afford to go a little crazy on meals. We have had many great meals there, but tonight was truly the best we've EVER had!

Let me break it down for you, shall I? We began with the braised short rib on anson mills polenta, with the horseradish cream on the side, because let's face it, horseradish is the equivalent of shizzing on your food. This starter is always fabulous, but tonight the rib was falling apart like cake and the polenta had the most amazing crunch. I was tempted to drink the broth when finished.

Then we moved on to a pizza that cannot be properly described because nothing but having a slice yourself will do it anything close to justice. Hand pulled mozzerella, grana padano, chive, and sundried tomato romesco. I have no idea what the crap romesco is, but my toes tingled and my ears heard unicorns braying. Heaven, pure and simple. I almost ordered a second to go.

I went and talked to our chef (who I swear was the twin brother of Zachary Levi) and told him how much we loved this pizza. Five minutes later he brought a free dessert to our table! So we got to end the night with some Winder Farms buttermilk panna cotta with orange citrus glaze. Lindsay and I were just giggling with how much we were loving our night. I cannot tell you how much I love enjoying good food with my beauty.


  1. i've never even heard of that place! i love how you wrote this, though. heard unicorns braying? haha! that's super fantastic.

    it was so good to see you the other night :)

  2. We have had that appetizer and it is unreeeeeeal! Love that place.
